Article by PIN Prestige: How A Steinway Piano Can Add Finesse To Your Home | Steinway Gallery Singapore
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11th August 2023, SINGAPORE – 不只是琴声优美而已, How A Steinway Piano Can Add Finesse To Your Home.






Steinway Crown Jewel White Ebony

Steinway Crown Jewel Pyramid Mahogany


众多钢琴品牌中,Steinway(全名Steinway & Sons)施坦威被视为是每个世界级音乐厅和钢琴比赛必备,也是很多职业、业余钢琴家,甚至是想“久久弹一下”的人所梦寐以求。

音乐领域名家如郎朗、Diana Krall、Billy Joel,甚至二十世纪著名作曲家兼钢琴家Sergei Rachmaninoff,以及伟大钢琴家Arthur Rubinstein,都乐意选择Steinway钢琴进行演奏。


品牌的Crown Jewels皇冠珠宝系列钢琴,尤其值得一书。钢琴以珍稀木材装饰,搭配精美的色彩和纹路,木料取材于金字塔桃花心木、南美紫柚木、欧洲橄榄木或白檀木等等。精挑细选过程中费尽心思,找来独一无二的材质,有时候一台三角钢琴就使用了一整棵的树干,珍稀无比。


Crown Jewels系列均配备SPIRIO新悦系统,比如SPIRIO|r新悦钢琴演奏及录音版,可让你选择与自己进行二重奏,或使用编辑器在iPad上编辑录制每一个音符。

Steinway Crown Jewel Jatoba

Steinway Crown Jewel Olivesche



明星室内设计师LM Pagano(客户包括巨星Johnny Depp与Nicholas Cage)说,钢琴使房子成为家,钢琴所带来的温暖、文化、历史、派对氛围,没有任何其他家具能够替代。

美国时装设计师Josie Natori也说:“无论弹奏与否,钢琴为一个空间注入生命。”

新加坡著名室内设计师Peter Tay认同把“美学与声音融合,为家里制造感官氛围”的概念。“优雅、气势磅礴的Steinway钢琴,可以完善整体氛围;它的存在,改变大家的心情。”

PIN Prestige Article:

Amateur Solo Category Period Category Popular Category Overall Winners (Period) Overall Winners (Popular)
Age Definition Duration Baroque Classical Romantic Contemporary Theatre/Broadway Film Jazz/Blues Anime Pop Songs
6 and below Born 1 Jan 2019 or later 5 mins Best Baroque Best Classical Best Romantic Best Contemporary N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. +1st, 2nd, 3rd Prize
8 and below Born 1 Jan 2017 or later 5 mins Best Baroque Best Classical Best Romantic Best Contemporary N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. +1st, 2nd, 3rd Prize
10 and below Born 1 Jan 2015 or later 7 mins Best Baroque Best Classical Best Romantic Best Contemporary Best Theatre/Broadway Best Film Best Jazz/Blues Best Anime Best Pop Songs +1st, 2nd, 3rd Prize +1st, 2nd, 3rd Prize
12 and below Born 1 Jan 2013 or later 7 mins Best Baroque Best Classical Best Romantic Best Contemporary Best Theatre/Broadway Best Film Best Jazz/Blues Best Anime Best Pop Songs +1st, 2nd, 3rd Prize +1st, 2nd, 3rd Prize
14 and below Born 1 Jan 2011 or later 9 mins Best Baroque Best Classical Best Romantic Best Contemporary Best Theatre/Broadway Best Film Best Jazz/Blues Best Anime Best Pop Songs +1st, 2nd, 3rd Prize +1st, 2nd, 3rd Prize
16 and below Born 1 Jan 2009 or later 9 mins Best Baroque Best Classical Best Romantic Best Contemporary Best Theatre/Broadway Best Film Best Jazz/Blues Best Anime Best Pop Songs +1st, 2nd, 3rd Prize +1st, 2nd, 3rd Prize
18 and below Born 1 Jan 2007 or later 11 mins Best Baroque Best Classical Best Romantic Best Contemporary Best Theatre/Broadway Best Film Best Jazz/Blues Best Anime Best Pop Songs +1st, 2nd, 3rd Prize +1st, 2nd, 3rd Prize

Competition Requirements


  • Category 1 – Ages 11 and below (i.e. born on or after January 1, 2011)
  • Category 2 – Ages 12 to 14 (i.e. born between and inclusive of January 1, 2008 and December 31, 2010)
  • Category 3 – Ages 15 to 17 (i.e. born between and inclusive of January 1, 2005 and December 31, 2007)

Repertoire requirements

  • Participants must present 3 contrasting selections.
  • Repertoire must include the first movement of a Sonata by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Clementi, or Schubert.
  • No concerti or transcriptions are allowed.
  • Participants are required to perform the exact same repertoire for further stages of the competition.
  • Auditions will be conducted in a continuous, live-recording manner. Re-takes are not allowed.

Maximum 20 minutes

Entry Fees

Competition Requirements


  • Category 1 – Ages 11 and below (i.e. born on or after January 1, 2011)
  • Category 2 – Ages 12 to 14 (i.e. born between and inclusive of January 1, 2008 and December 31, 2010)
  • Category 3 – Ages 15 to 17 (i.e. born between and inclusive of January 1, 2005 and December 31, 2007)

Repertoire requirements

  • Participants must present 3 contrasting selections.
  • Repertoire must include the first movement of a Sonata by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Clementi, or Schubert.
  • No concerti or transcriptions are allowed.
  • Participants are required to perform the exact same repertoire for further stages of the competition.
  • Auditions will be conducted in a continuous, live-recording manner. Re-takes are not allowed.

Maximum 20 minutes

Entry Fees